Demons, Pigs, & Mercy

Jun 29, 2014 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus | Category: Default Scripture: Mark 5:1-20 Tags: spiritual realm, pigs, mercy

Learning Jesus
Demons, Pigs, & Mercy
Mark 5:1-20

  • Living in a Spiritual World
  • Making Known God’s Mercy

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 5:1-20. What strikes you about this story? What is being emphasized? Why would Mark record this story in his gospel?
  2. What do we normally believe about the spiritual realm? How do we normally live life each day regarding the spiritual realm? Why do our beliefs and practices often not match?
  3. Why do the people beg Jesus to depart from their region (v. 17)? Why would Jesus not permit the man to accompany him?
  4. Consider verse 19. What is Jesus asking this man to do? In what ways are we asked to do the same thing? What does this look like for you to obey Jesus in verse 19?