The Reigning Christ

MESSAGE - Pastor John Lee

Christmas Psalms

The Reigning Christ 

  • Rage
  • Response
  • Reign
  • Refuge 

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read Psalm 2. This psalm is one of the most often quoted, in reference to Jesus Christ, in the New Testament. Where are some places in the New Testament that we see this Psalm being quoted or alluded to?
  2. What are some examples from Scripture and even from today where you see the “nations rage” and the “peoples plot in vain” against Jesus Christ?
  3. How does the Lord’s laughter in response to v.1-3 bring forth both a certain terror and a great comfort?
  4. In v. 7-9, we hear the voice of the Anointed One speaking of his universal reign. Who is the Anointed One and what belongs to him? How is this reality a great hope for the people of God even amidst all the troubles in this world?
  5. How might the Lord be using Psalm 2 this Advent season to strengthen you in the truth of our never-failing and strong refuge in the forever reigning Christ? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (ESV)