Wisdom and Grace for a New Year

December 26, 2024 | by: John Lee | 0 Comments

Posted in: Pastoral Encouragement

At the end of every year I find myself shocked at how fast the year has gone by. As we come to the end of another year, some of you may find yourselves ending this year drastically different than how you imagined. For some this has been a year of unexpected joys and for others a year of unexpected disappointments and sorrows. Wherever we may find ourselves at the end of the year, the Lord reminds us to turn our eyes upon him for he alone is our portion, hope, and life. As we ramp up for a new year, we are all in deep need of God’s wisdom and grace. I’d like to share a few reflections from Psalm 90. 

  1. Our Refuge (v. 1-2)

Moses begins Psalm 90 with the reality of where our true refuge is found. Many of us will tire as we continually seek to find a refuge in this life. We will seek it in our jobs, relationships, money, success, etc. Psalm 90 reminds us that amidst the changing moments and seasons of our lives, the Lord alone is our true, stable, and secure refuge. He alone is a faithful refuge from generation to generation (v. 1) and he is more firmly established, rooted, and unshakable than even the mountains (v. 2). The Lord is our everlasting refuge and we find our truest and fullest rest in him. 

  1. Our Restlessness (v. 3-11)

As Moses begins with the wonderful truth that God himself is our refuge, he is not absent-minded to the restlessness that we often face and feel. Moses points us to the reality that our lives are short and fleeting (v. 10). We are to be drawn to the greatness and majesty of the Lord; Moses does this as he intensely reminds us of God’s wrath over our sin. He misses not one thing but sees all (v. 4, 8). In all of this, we ought to consider God’s wrath and our sin (v. 11). You see, God gives us language to both voice, and understand, the restlessness of our hearts. The unchanging truth that the Lord is our dwelling place and our faithful refuge is a wondrous truth. Yet, we often find ourselves prone to seek our rest elsewhere. As you enter into a new year, where or in whom are you truly resting in and trusting in for your life? 

  1. Our Resolution (v. 12-17)

In light of God’s wrath and our sin, Psalm 90 directs us to not run away from the Lord but rather to run to him and find refuge in his mercy. We need wisdom so let us run to the Lord. We need grace and mercy so let us run to the Lord. We need the Lord to teach us to number our days (v. 12) and to live each day, moment, and season of life as a good gift from God. We are to learn that it is the steadfast love of God that ultimately satisfies us. We are to rejoice and be made glad because of God’s redeeming work through Christ. Let us marvel at God’s glorious work and power working out all things for his glory and for the good of those who love him. In light of these wonderful truths, Psalm 90 ends with pointing our gaze upon the Lord whereby we live by faith daily in light of his grace (v. 17). Fix your eyes on Jesus who himself is full of grace and truth. 

However you may be finishing this year, and however you may be entering into the next year, run to and rest in Jesus. Behold Christ’s saving love for you. See how he has come to save his people from their sins, satisfying God’s wrath, and to overcome death that we would know him as the true refuge. So, find refuge in the Lord alone. Be strengthened and satisfied in his steadfast love that will never let you go or weaken its hold on you. Let us live boldly by God’s grace daily in light of his favor and grace found in Christ! 

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor John Lee






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