Questions and Laws

Apr 27, 2014 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 2:18-28 Tags: Pharisees, Sabbath, law keeping, fasting, law

Learning Jesus
Questions and Laws
Mark 2:18-28

  • Fasting, Bridegrooms, Patches & Wineskins
  • Sabbath and Resting
  • Christ & The Law: New Wineskins

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 2:18-28. What do we learn about the Pharisees and those who are asking these questions about law keeping? What are they concerned about?
  2. What is fasting? What is the purpose of fasting for the Pharisees? As Jesus describes fasting? How might the understanding of the differing purposes of fasting help us understand Jesus’ analogies in verses 21 & 22?
  3. Does Jesus advocate for not keeping the Sabbath holy, as a day of rest? Explain. If not, what does he advocate for? How is this different from the Pharisees? What does this phrase mean: “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”?
  4. The main issue with these two scenarios is how to understand the place of the law in following Jesus. The Pharisees saw law-keeping as the means to earn our place before God. Jesus freely brings people to God based upon faith. What place then does the law have for Christ-followers?