Passing the Entrance Exam

Mar 15, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 10:13-22

Learning Jesus
Passing the Entrance Exam
Mark 10:13-22

  • Stipulations for Entering the Kingdom
  • The Particular Challenge of Wealth
  • Sacrifice and Reward for the Gospel

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 10:13-31. What does the incident with the children have in common with Jesus’ interaction with the rich man?
  2. Why does Jesus turn the attention of the rich man first to the ten commandments? Does Jesus believe that obedience to the law can inherit eternal life?
  3. What does the rich man lack? How are you just like this man?
  4. Why does wealth present such a difficulty? How should we hear these words from Jesus, considering our economic environment compared to the rest of the US and the world?
  5. What does Jesus promise for those who make sacrifices for the gospel? What does this look like in your life?