Skepticism and Authority

Apr 26, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 11:27-33 Tags: John the Baptist, authority, skepticism

Learning Jesus
Skepticism and Authority
Mark 11:27-33

  • The Test of Authority
  • Jesus’ Identification with John the Baptist
  • The Nature of & Battle Against Skepticism

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 11:27-33. Why would the religious leaders of Jerusalem ask about Jesus’ authority? What has happened that would trouble these leaders?
  2. What is really behind the question from the leaders?
  3. Does Jesus evade the question or answer it? Explain. What is the connection between Jesus and John the Baptist?
  4. What is the root of skepticism? What contributes to skepticism? In what ways are people today skeptical about Christ and Christianity? How do we “fight” skepticism?