The Witness is Passed On

MESSAGE - Pastor Dale Thiele

John: That You May Believe

The Witness is Passed On 

  • The Church is Born
  • Disciple-Making on Display    
  • Greater Things to See  

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read John 1:35-51. What would have these two disciples of John already heard and seen? How does this prepare them to follow Jesus?
  2. Why is it healthy and good for John the Baptist to lose disciples?
  3. Take note of the verbs through the passage. How do these verbs provide for us an outline of discipleship (i.e. come, see, follow, stay, found, etc.)?
  4. Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? How do the verbs of John 1:35-51 correspond with your activity as a disciple? Are you inviting others to “come and see”?
  5. What are the “greater things” the disciples of Jesus see? As you have followed Jesus, what “greater things” have you seen? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! (ESV)