The Gospel for Life

MESSAGE - Pastor John Lee

Titus: Godliness in All of Life

The Gospel for Life 

  • Motivated by God’s Grace
  • Transformed by God’s Grace
  • Proclaiming God’s Grace 

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read Titus 2:11-15. What is the great motivation for Christians to live and pursue holiness and godliness?
  2. The grace of God which brings salvation transforms our relation to self, others, and God. What characteristics does Paul use to encompass this in v. 12? In regards to those characteristics in v. 12, what are some ways that the grace of God has transformed your life?
  3. How does the future reality of “our blessed hope” appearing in v.14 provide for you both a comfort and challenge today?
  4. v. 14-15 speaks of the wonderful gospel truth about our salvation and the importance of proclaiming these truths. As these truths are proclaimed, what is your heart’s posture like to these truths today? How might you respond this week to them?

 Memory Verse of the Week:

Psalm 67:1-2 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. (ESV)