The Philanthropy of God

Jul 17, 2022 by: John Lee | Series: Titus: Godliness in All of Life Scripture: Titus 3:1–15

MESSAGE - Pastor John Lee

Titus: Godliness in All of Life

The Philanthropy of God 

  • God’s Philanthropy Transforms Us
  • God’s Philanthropy Keeps Us
  • God’s Philanthropy Sends Us 

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read Titus 3. Which of the reminders given in v. 1-2 stick out to you? How come?
  2. Paul has been continually laying down the motivation for pursuing and growing in godliness in Titus. v. 3-7 provides a wonderful summary of this. What should our motivation for pursing and growing in godliness be according to these verses? In what specific ways are you prone to forget this motivation in your own pursuit and growth in godliness?
  3. How should God’s philanthropy toward us change the way we live in this world and with others?
  4. v. 9-15 lays the important aspect that growth in godliness is within the context of community. In what ways has the community of believers helped and continue to help you be reminded of the gospel in all of life?
  5. v. 14-15 speaks of the importance of proclaiming, sharing, and living out of the reality of God’s philanthropy toward us in Christ. In what ways are we prone to “hoard these blessings” rather than being propelled to be a blessing to those around us? As you reflect on God’s philanthropy for you this week, what are some practical areas of good works (v. 14) that the Lord is calling you to engage in? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (ESV)