The Theology of God's Reign

MESSAGE - Pastor Dale Thiele

Daniel: Hope Amid a Hostile World

The Theology of God's Reign

  • The Impotence of Human Politics
  • The Testimony of a Lifetime of Faithfulness
  • The Enduring Kingdom of God

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

1. Read Daniel 6:1- 28. How does this chapter compare with chapter 3? What’s the same? What’s different?

2. Why do the high officials seek “dirt” on Daniel? How do Jesus’ words in John 15:18-25 apply to Daniel’s situation?

3. Why is Darius unable to save Daniel? What does this teach Christians about our relationship with government officials?

4. What stands out about Daniel’s faithfulness? In what ways should we follow Daniel’s example?

5. Consider Darius’ declaration in verses 26-27. How is this a good summary of the book of Daniel? How shall we live in light of this theology?

Memory Verse of the Week:

Daniel 6:26 For he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. (ESV)