A Plea for Mercy
Sep 4, 2022
by: Dale Thiele |
Series: Daniel: Hope Amid a Hostile World
Scripture: Daniel 9:1-19 Tags: forgiveness, righteousness, adoration, promises, faithfulness, reputation, Jeremiah, exile
MESSAGE - Pastor Dale Thiele
Daniel: Hope Amid a Hostile World
A Plea for Mercy
- Prayer Inspired by God’s Promises
- Prayer Adoring God’s Faithfulness
- Prayer Contrite Before God’s Righteousness
- Prayer Appealing to God’s Reputation
Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:
- Read Daniel 9:1-19. What catches your attention from this prayer? Why?
- Daniel was reading Jeremiah. What does this teach us about Scripture and inspiration?
- God promises to bring Israel back to their land after 70 years in Jeremiah 25:11. Why does Daniel plead with God to restore Israel to their land?
- Daniel starts with adoration in verse 4. Why is it so important to let the nature and character of God to shape our prayers?
- Why does Daniel confess the sin of Israel?
- How does the prayer of Daniel provide us a model for our daily prayers? What can you incorporate in your prayer life?
Memory Verse of the Week:
Daniel 9:19 O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your people are called by your name. (ESV)