
MESSAGE – Rev. Dr. Dale Thiele

Behold Your God!


  • Comfort in the Presence of God
  • Comfort in the Word of God
  • Comfort in the Strength of God  

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read Isaiah 40:1-11. What catches your attention from this passage? Why?
  2. The repeated word “Comfort” is a verb and a command. How does God intend his people to be comforted?
  3. Verses 3-5 are applied to John the Baptist and Jesus in Mark 1:1-4. Take into consideration John 1:14 as well. How do these NT passages shape our understanding of Isaiah 40:3-5? From where does comfort come in these verses?
  4. The word for “beauty” (or “glory” NIV) is typically understood as referring to human, physical strength and glory. The Hebrew word actually is a moral word, typically translated “steadfast love.” How does this meaning impact the interpretation of these verses?
  5. The command of verse 9 is “Behold your God!” What are we to behold about God? Why?
  6. In our culture, how do people seek comfort? How does this compare with God’s prescription in Isaiah 40? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. (ESV)