My Servant, My Chosen
Dec 8, 2024
by: John Lee |
Series: Behold Your God!
Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-9 Tags: Lord's Servant, bruised reed, justice
MESSAGE - Pastor John Lee
Behold Your God!
My Servant, My Chosen
- Behold the Lord’s Servant!
- Behold the Lord’s Work!
Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:
- Read Isaiah 42:1-9. Who is the Lord’s Servant described in these verses? How does Isaiah 41:21-29 helpfully provide the backdrop for the significance of the Lord’s Servant?
- What will the Lord’s Servant bring forth and accomplish (v. 1, 3, 4)? In what manner will he do this?
- In v. 5-9, God addresses his Chosen Servant. How does this portion of Scripture give us greater confidence and clarity in the Lord’s work through Jesus Christ? Ultimately, what is this work?
- What are some of the things that your heart is prone to behold more than Christ? How does Isaiah 42:1-9 redirect and reorient our hearts and lives to behold God?
Memory Verse of the Week:
Isaiah 42:3 “A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice.” (ESV)