None Besides Me
Dec 22, 2024
by: Dale Thiele |
Series: Behold Your God!
Scripture: Isaiah 45:18-25 Tags: salvation, idols, Creator, Savior, speak
MESSAGE – Rev. Dr. Dale Thiele
Behold Your God!
None Besides Me
- No Other Creator
- No Other Savior
Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:
- Read Isaiah 45:18-25. What catches your attention from this passage? Why?
- The uniqueness of God is emphasized at least four times in this passage (v. 18, 21, 22, 24). With whom or what is God being compared? In what ways is God unique?
- In verses 18-19 the Creator is said to “speak” multiple times. Why is it so important that the Creator speaks to his creation?
- Consider verse 20. If idols “cannot save” why do people turn to them? We do not literally “carry about wooden idols” today, but idols are still prevalent. What are the idols people “keep on praying to” today?
- What is salvation? Why is the Creator God the only one who is capable of being Savior? How should we respond?
Memory Verse of the Week:
Isaiah 45:22 Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. (ESV)