
Deacons Mercy Ministries

Deacons understand their call as officers of Oak Hills to serve the needs of the congregation and to lead the congregation in serving others—both inside and outside of the church. The deacons meet monthly to discuss the business of planning projects and to assess specific needs of which they have become aware. They are committed to rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty in order to foster the attitude of serving and bearing one another’s burdens within the congregation of Oak Hills.

One vehicle the deacons have established in an effort both to serve and to lead others in serving is the Helping Hands Ministry. This ministry involves connecting people who have specific needs with those within our congregation who are able to help. The deacons draw on basic home repair and maintenance skills from people within the Oak Hills family to make a world of difference for senior adults, single mothers or others who need help. The deacons welcome those willing to share their time and abilities to complete basic tasks in areas like automotive maintenance and repair, carpentry, electrical work, yard work (planting, trimming and raking), painting, plumbing, and general clean-up. They also welcome and encourage the people of Oak Hills to communicate their needs for this kind of assistance so we all can have the privilege of serving others in the church body. To communicate either your ability to serve, or specific needs, contact the chairman of the deacon group.