What to Expect
Warm Greeting
Desiring to know and make known the astonishing grace of God, we desire that everyone who walks through the doors to our service would experience an extension of His grace. We believe you will find your first entrance into Oak Hills showered with greetings. Our desire is to respond earnestly to God's declaration that His Creation is good!
Available Information and Resources
When you enter Oak Hills, you will find a host of information about the church and be given an information bulletin about Oak Hills and that morning’s worship service. In addition, you will find brochures about the various ministries of Oak Hills, helpful books, cds and other resources, children’s bulletins and even a bundle of crayons if needed.
Our Services
Oak Hills Presbyterian Church designs the Worship Services so that we, the congregation, can enjoy the worship of our Triune God through singing, prayer, the preaching of the Word and the sharing of the Lord’s Supper. We worship through the offerings of various musical styles and genres that include the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16). Our intention is to meet with the Lord through a living balance of formality and frankness. While we do follow an informal liturgical format, you will find that the elements of our worship services are intentional and carefully planned. Many who attend Oak Hills have said that our service style is casual but with great intentionality. For more information regarding the content and style of our services, please refer to the Elements of Worship Tab.
Nursery Care
Our nursery is available to care for your children from infancy to age 3 during the worship service.
Sunday School Classes for All Ages
Sunday School starts at 9:30 am. Classes for all ages are available.
PromiseLand (Children’s Church) meets each Sunday during the message portion of the worship service. PromiseLand is designed to give children from age four through eight years old an opportunity to interact with the Word of God using a curriculum specifically developed for their age group.
After Service Fellowship
Each Sunday directly following the service we hope you'll stay a while and grab a cup of coffee, maybe even a snack, while we take the opportunity to enjoy one of the richest opportunities to get to know one another in the church. Many will linger well past the conclusion of the service talking, praying, encouraging and enjoying time with one another.