
Oak Hills Presbyterian Church is solidly based on the teaching of Scripture, which mandates our mission both to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth and to serve one another in love. Oak Hills seeks to be a congregation of believers who long to know and make known the message of God’s astonishing grace! We do this in three primary ways:

Oak Hills' Missions Committee

The Oak Hills' Missions Committee is committed to spurring on the congregation to live out the Great Commission both here and abroad. The committee is intentional about providing information to the congregation regarding missionaries we support.

Long Term Missionaries

Our congregation sends missionaries into the world, which involves encouraging, recognizing, and supporting individuals and families on the mission field. The support Oak Hills provides is not only financial but relational and, most importantly, prayerful. Please use the links below to learn more about Oak Hills’ missionaries and pray for them regularly. We also encourage you to send a card or letter when you can.

Chris and Mary Granberry, Sacred Road Ministries, Yakama Native AmericanReservation, White Swan, WA

Even & Holly Shaw, Sacred Road Ministries, Yakama Native American Reservation
Chase and Sha Johnson, Serge, Cluj, Romania
Ben and Julie Jensen, Mission to the World, Nagoya, Japan
John and Jessica Cropsey, Serge, Burundi, Africa
Jon and Tricia Dunning, Reformed University Fellowship, Kansas State University, Manhattan

O'Read Center, Kansas University

Short Term Missions Trips

Adults and students participate in mission trips that share the message and mercy of God’s love in very practical ways. Each summer, a team spends a week serving the Native American community alongside Sacred Road Ministries making badly needed home repairs and offering Vacation Bible School to children at a local housing project.