
The Oak Hills Women’s Ministry seeks to encourage the women in our congregation in their walk with the Lord and their relationships with each other. We believe that the redeeming, perfect love of Christ compels us to love one another with grace and compassion. Our goal is to provide opportunities for the women of Oak Hills to grow in their knowledge of this truth and that they would respond with a deeper love for God, each other and the world. If you have any questions about the various women's ministries, feel free to contact the Church Office at 913.341.4500 or email womensministries@ohpchurch.org.

Bible Studies

We provide opportunities to grow in the knowledge of God through the study of His Word. Each spring and fall, we organize timely Bible Studies for women to attend convenient to their schedule. We plan one Bible Study for the evening and one during the daytime hours with child care. Each one is designed with time to spend in God’s Word, prayer and fellowship. Please check the current calendar for more details. We also have an organized prayer chain for the purpose of requesting prayer from the women for any needs you may have.

Hospitality Ministry

DSCN4797.JPGFor Hospitality and Service opportunities, we have a variety of ways to come together and serve on another. We organize and deliver meals to our church members when special needs arise. Many women are involved in providing meals for those who have a new baby born or adopted, when there is illness, or when death occurs in a family. We also coordinate Wedding and Baby Showers for new brides and first time mothers. We have held special events to make or gather items for our missionaries or other organizations that we support. These are great ways to come together and encourage each other to good works.

Women’s Retreat

IMG_7928.JPGOur yearly Women’s Retreat is another way to connect with each other on a deeper level. It provides a time for women to get away from their daily family responsibilities and spend some extended time fellowshipping with other women and focusing on our life in Christ. Retreats are also a time to use your gifts and talents if you desire to be a part of the planning and preparation.

Social Events

Finally, we like to provide opportunities for fun and fellowship through our Social Events. We have hosted trips to the Arboretum, outdoor movie nights, and gatherings for coffee or with the kids in a park. These are times to get to know on another better. We end the year with a Christmas Party that usually involves singing, desserts, games and laughter, one of the favorites of many women. Our hope is that these endeavors will provide for a closer connection for our women at Oak Hills.