
The Men’s Ministry of Oak Hills desires to equip and encourage men to glorify God. We also desire to provide opportunities for men to build friendships with each other. The men at Oak Hills come from different walks of life: students, tradesmen, business professionals, and doctors, to name a few. We span multiple life-stages—from college students to fathers of adult children, and every step in between. What we have in common is a desire to know Christ and make him known in our homes, workplaces, and community. If you have questions about men’s ministry or one of the events listed below, please contact the Church Office at 913.341.4500 or email Pastor Dale.

Annual Men’s Retreat

Men’s Retreats afford a rich opportunity for in-depth Bible study and extended men’s fellowship. Past study topics have included glorifying and enjoying God in all areas of life and confronting the “ordinary” sins we often tolerate.

Bible Studies

In the last several years, Men’s Bible studies at Oak Hills have provided a great mid-week opportunity to touch base with other Oak Hills men while seeking to stay grounded in God’s Word. Come for thought-provoking discussion and wisdom you can take to work and use throughout your day.

Currently, a Men's Bible Study meets at Panera (10606 Shawnee Mission Parkway) Friday mornings @ 6:30am. Contact Thomas Tarvin with questions.