Music at Oak Hills
Music is a vital component of the worship of the people of God. It provides a vehicle to proclaim hope, trust, and delight in the gospel.
At Oak Hills, the gospel is the center piece of our worship gatherings on Sunday mornings. Congregational singing is a part of the celebration and retelling of the gospel story. Our song selection is driven by gospel faithfulness and biblical saturation. While we are not tied down to a particular "style" of music, our songs range from traditional hymns to folk and contemporary music.
Our worship services do follow an "order." We are creatures of habit and our habits shape who we are. Weekly gathering with fellow believers for the purpose of worship of God ought to be a habit that shapes us. Worship is to be God-centered and interactive with God. It's like a dance with God, where He is the leader. He initiates; we respond. We call this the dialogue of worship. God calls us into worship. We respond in praise and celebration of His goodness. God reminds us of our sinfulness. We respond in humility and confession. God proclaims His good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. We respond in joy and thankfulness. God declares His will for our lives. We respond in repentance and faith and obedience. God sends us out with the hope of his blessing. We leave, seeking to live in light of the truth of God's good news. Out prayer is that this form of worship would shape your life to be more and more God-centered and hope-filled in the gospel.