Kid360 Scavenger Hunt

  • September 21, 2022 | 7:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Location: 5638 Goddard, Shawnee, KS 66203
  • Coordinator: Dale Thiele
  • Email:
It is time for a Kid360 Fun Night! We will have a Scavenger Hunt! This will not be a photo scavenger hunt, like last year, but a scavenging for special objects hidden with tricky clues to find. OH!Youth is hosting a DodgeBall Tournament in the sanctuary, but we have access to the basement and outdoors (hopefully the rain will hold off). We will split up the kids into 3-4 teams, so it would be helpful to have 2-3 extra adults to help out tomorrow evening. We don't want to send grade school kids running around the property without an adult, especially with dodgeballs flying around. Let me know if you could help out and I'll give you more info.