The Significant Realities of Being One Flesh

Mar 8, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 10:1-12 Tags: unforgivable sin, marriage, divorce

Learning Jesus
The Significant Realities of Being One Flesh
Mark 10:1-12

  • The Divorce Test: What Did Moses Permit?
  • God’s Design for Marriage
  • Living in a Way that Honors Marriage

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 10:1-12. Jesus is approaching Jerusalem and his crucifixion. The confrontations with the religious leaders will increase over the next few chapters. What role do these confrontations play in the outworking of the events?
  2. How were the Pharisees testing Jesus? Consider Deuteronomy 24:1-4. What does Moses permit? How was he seeking to protect the divorced wife?
  3. Why is divorce such a difficult topic for Christians to address? Why would some consider divorce to be the unforgivable sin?
  4. What does Jesus accomplish by appealing to the original marriage God created in Eden (Gen. 2:24)? What do we learn about marriage in this passage?
  5. How can a single person, a divorced person, and a married person apply the truth of this passage?