The Personal Struggle for Joy

Aug 16, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Working For Your Joy Scripture: Psalm 42–43

Working for Your Joy
The Personal Struggle for Joy
Psalm 42-43

  • The Causes of Spiritual Depression
    God as Your Exceeding Joy
    Preaching to Your Soul

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Psalms 42-43. What is the state of the soul of this psalm writer? What are the causes of this affliction?
  2. Is this psalm writer utterly hopeless? Why or why not? Use the psalms to show where you may find hope in the writer.
  3. How does the writer describe God in 43:4? Why is this significant in the context of these psalms? How can God be your "exceeding joy"?
  4. Psalm 42:5, 11 & 43:5 are identical verses. What is the writer doing in these verses? What does preaching to your soul look like? How do we develop this habit?