Mark's Outline for Discipleship

Sep 6, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 1:14-20 Tags: Discipleship

Learning Jesus
Mark’s Outline for Discipleship
Mark 1:14-20

  • The Call to Discipleship
  • The Path of Discipleship
  • The Result of Discipleship

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 1:14-20. What does Jesus do in this passage? How is his “proclaiming the gospel” connected with his call of Peter, Andrew, James, and John?
  2. What is the kingdom of God? In what way is the kingdom of God “at hand”? In what way is the call to discipleship a reverse of the banishment from Eden?
  3. Consider a survey of the Gospel of Mark, in particular to the passages about Jesus’ expectations for the disciples (3:14-15; 4:10-11; 6:7-13; 10:42-45). How do the expectations compare with Jesus’ example? What is involved in being a disciple of Christ? What are a disciple’s responsibilities?
  4. If Mark’s gospel concludes at 16:8, it seems abrupt and odd. How does this ending serve Mark’s purpose for writing? To what does Jesus lead his disciples in Mark 16?