Adored & Hated

Sep 13, 2015 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Learning Jesus Scripture: Mark 14:1-11 Tags: leadership, adoration, anointing, poor

Learning Jesus
Adored & Hated
Mark 14:1-11

  • The Poison of Poor Leadership
  • An Act of Adoration
  • Fighting the Poison

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 14:1-11. Why would the chief priests and the scribes want to kill Jesus? Why would they need to do it in stealth? What does this say about their leadership and relationship with the Jewish people?
  2. Why would this woman anoint Jesus in this way? What motivates someone to “adore” Jesus in their actions? Consider Jesus’ words in Luke 7:44-48.
  3. Who became “indignant” with this action (see also Matt. 26:8)? Why? Were they really concerned about the poor? Why or why not? Consider also John 12:6.
  4. What kills our adoration of Christ? How do we/you fight against this poison?