Conflict in Court

Learning Jesus
Conflict in Court
Mark 14:53-65

  • The Mockery of a Trial
  • The Old Testament Prophecy Bomb

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Mark 14:53-65. What do we learn about the leaders of the Jews from this passage? How can there be such a disconnect between their religious faith and knowledge and their character?
  2. How does Jesus respond in this situation? What does Jesus say that causes such a drastic response from the high priest?
  3. Take some time to read Daniel 7. In Mark 14:62 Jesus alludes to Daniel 7:13. What is the significance of this? What is Jesus confessing?
  4. Leadership and power struggles continue to mark the human race to this day. How are Christians to live as those in the world and yet not of the world? How does Jesus' dominion impact our lives today?