A Gracious & Merciful God

Jan 17, 2016 by: Dale Thiele | Series: Behold Your God: a Study of Jonah Scripture: Jonah 1-4 Tags: Jonah, Character of God

Behold Your God: a Study of Jonah
A Gracious & Merciful God
Jonah 1-4

  • Big Fish, 8th Century Israel, & Other Important Background Items
  • The Central Message: Behold Your God!
  • The Wake Up Call

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Before you read Jonah, recount what you remember learning about this story, either from Sunday School lessons or other teaching. What stands out in your memory?
  2. Read the whole book of Jonah (only 48 verses). Who are the main characters in the story? Who is the primary audience (for whom is this history written)? What is being emphasized?
  3. Consider chapter 4. Why is Jonah angry? What does he want? In what ways are we like Jonah (or, in what ways could we be like Jonah)?
  4. In what way does Jonah’s confession in 4:2 contribute to the central message of the book? How should the character of God shape how will live, how we view/treat other people, and how we (the church/individual Christians) understand our mission?

Memory Verse of the Week: Jonah 4:2b “I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster.” (ESV)