Blessed With Abraham

Galatians: The Gospel of Freedom
Blessed With Abraham
Galatians 3:1-9

  • Bewitched by the Flesh
  • The Hearing of Faith
  • God’s Plan from the Beginning

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read Galatians 3:1-9. Why does Paul use the harsh word "foolish"? What did the Galatians do that is foolish? In what ways are we similarly foolish?
  2. What does Paul mean in verse 1 that "before your eyes" Jesus was "publicly portrayed as crucified"? How do you "re-depict" Christ to yourself?
  3. Compare and contrast "works of the law" and "hearing with faith" in this passage? How does each provide an opposing path to completion? Who is the active agent highlighted in each phrase?
  4. Why does Paul appeal to Abraham? What does Paul mean in verse 6 with the verb "counted" (NIV: "credited")?
  5. How does having righteousness credited to us change our view of ourselves and our Christian life?

Memory Verse of the Week: Galatians 3:7   Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. (ESV)