Worship by the Imaginations of Men

MESSAGE - Pastor Dale Thiele

Judges: Life Without a King

Worship by the Imaginations of Men 

  • Micah and His Idols
  • Worship Regulated By What?
  • The Need for a King 

 Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read Judges 17:1-13. What is Micah doing in this chapter? Why does he say what he says in verse 13? What’s wrong with his perspective?
  2. Is there anything in the way Micah and his mother treat each other that challenges your own attitude to your parents(s) or child(ren)?
  3. Which parts of God’s word would you most like to be different? Are you ignoring them, or wrestling through them?
  4. What regulates how we worship? Why? Why should we not worship God in any way our heart desires?
  5. Why do we need a king? How does a godly king help us follow God? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (ESV)