Mission Complete; Mission Launched

MESSAGE - Pastor Dale Thiele

John: That You May Believe

Mission Complete; Mission Launched


  • The Great Commission Given


               Jesus Roots the Disciples


               Jesus Sends the Disciples


               Jesus Empowers the Disciples


               Jesus Commissions the Disciples


  • The Commission Modeled with Thomas


Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion:

  1. Read John 20:19-29. Why are the disciples afraid and hiding behind locked doors? What is the significance of Jesus appearing behind those locked doors?
  2. Jesus repeats the greeting, “Peace be with you,” three times. Why? What is Jesus communicating to his disciples (cf. Jn. 14:27, 16:33; Rom. 5:1)?
  3. In what ways is Jesus sending of the disciples similar to the Father’s sending of Jesus?
  4. Why is the gift of the Holy Spirit so important for the mission of the disciples?
  5. What catches your attention from the section about Thomas? In what ways are we like Thomas? In what ways are we different? 

Memory Verse of the Week:

John 20:28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” (ESV)